All Protection. No Waste. Teijin Aramid is looking for new alliances to become fully circular.

Moving from linear to circular business is probably the biggest challenge ánd opportunity for the industry since the invention of aramids. Next to showcasing Teijin Aramid’s proven materials at the Milipol in Paris (booth 5D141), our priority is to close the material loop with existing and new partners. Via its Circular Economy Program Teijin Aramid offers waste-management solutions for end-of-life material and a competitive advantage by lowering the carbon footprint.

All protection

Its products Twaron®, Teijinconex®, offer outstanding capabilities bringing added value to body armor equipment, such as ballistic vests, helmets but also uniforms and turnout gear. Teijin Aramid’s products help protect against bullets, fragments, as well as stabbing with knives and sharp objects, and with good trauma reduction. Ballistic materials made from Twaron® enable a stable performance after extensive mechanical stress, providing reliable body armor for users, also when heavily worn. All offer a high strength, excellent energy absorption enabling superior protection against a wide range of violent threats.

Next to that, Teijin Aramids’ products offers inherent resistance against heat, flame, and chemicals. They neither burn or melt, protecting police officers and soldiers additionally against fire or flames in the field. Whatever the threat, Teijin Aramid’s high performance materials are developed with one objective: maximizing protection.

That is why Teijin Aramid is extending its responsibility to protect the environment too. The depletion of our natural resources must be stopped and changes are needed. No party in the value chain can make this difference alone and an industry cooperation is needed.

Circular Economy Program

Teijin Aramid is well placed to take the lead as their recycling program is already being rolled out in several businesses – and has been delivering results for more than 20 years. High quality used aramids are collected from customers and other value chain partners. Depending on the recycling route Teijin Aramids re-uses the aramids into their production processes now and working on the development of re-spinning their high-performance fibers.