For the quarter ended December 31, 2013, the Fashion & Lifestyle business of Aditya Birla Nuvo rose by 12 per cent to Rs. 1,558 crores and EBITDA by 41 per cent to Rs. 192 crores. It expanded its retail presence to 1,670 exclusive brand outlets/stores, spanning nationwide across 4.11 million sq. feet.
Madura posted all-round growth in top line, margins and free cash flows. During the quarter, its revenue grew by 23 per cent to Rs. 855 crores and EBITDA doubled to Rs. 116 crores, led by growth in the wholesale channel, retail stores expansion and four per cent like-to-like retail stores sales growth. Madura added 276 stores and generated free cash flows of about Rs. 250 crores during the nine months ended December 31, 2013.
Pantaloons is in the investment phase and is strengthening its retail presence, brand positioning and merchandise to increase the sales volume. It has launched nine new Pantaloons stores and one factory outlet during the nine months.
To strengthen its market leadership, Jaya Shree has expanded the annual linen yarn capacity from 2,300 to 3,400 tonnes and the linen fabric capacity from 7.3 to 10.1 million metres.
The revenue from the manufacturing businesses at Rs. 1,109 crores and EBITDA at Rs. 118 crores are lower by 19 per cent mainly on account of the discontinuance of trading in imported P&K fertilisers, which has also led to rationalisation of capital employed through reduction in the outstanding subsidy.
The Rayon Business recorded its highest-ever quarterly earnings. The new superfine yarn unit, currently operating at full capacity, will help in enhancing the product quality and range.