Orders taken by Italian textile machinery manufacturers during the first quarter of this year show moderate growth of eight per cent over the previous year, thanks mainly to a positive performance in foreign markets.

According to ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, the total value of orders placed during the period from January to March stood at 87.3 points (base year 2010 = 100). The situation appears very different as between the domestic market in Italy and foreign markets. Indeed, the latter recorded a 17 per cent increase compared to January-March 2014, with the foreign orders index standing at 100.3 points. In Italy, however, orders declined by 38 per cent over the same period in 2014, with an index value at 33.5 points.
ACIMIT President Raffaella Carabelli justifies this steep decline in the domestic market, “Milano ITMA, the textile sector’s primary international trade fair, will be held this coming November. Many Italian textile industry operators are waiting for this event to look into the latest innovations, which will be presented at the event, so that they can plan their investments accordingly.”
Mr. Carabelli adds: “I’m therefore confident that by the year end we’ll be witnessing an upswing in the domestic market, thanks also to the measures the Government has adopted to stimulate a recovery in investments in Italy.”
However, the Italian textile machinery industry has been able to grow on foreign markets, thanks to a weaker euro against the dollar and some local currencies. The US, Turkey, India and other Asian countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh are markets that have continued to drive sales for Italian machinery manufacturers, even through the start of 2015.
Meanwhile, with the ribbon cutting ceremony at ITMA just a few months away, one can already draw a positive picture for the fair’s upcoming 17th edition, which returns to Italy after 20 years. Over 100,000 sq. m. of exhibition has already been sold. This is 26 per cent higher as compared to the previous edition held in Barcelona in 2011. Roughly 420 Italian companies are exhibiting their products at the fair.
“These figures are a confirmation of the confidence Italian businesses have in this event,” comments the ACIMIT President. “In partnership with the Ministry for Economic Development and the ICE-Agency, we’re taking a series of initiatives like incoming missions for foreign delegations, awards to foreign university students, intensive communication activities, etc., aimed at enhancing Italy’s presence at ITMA.”