MS Printing Solutions has chosen the city of Milan to launch a new challenge under the sign of sustainability on the path to 2020.
Titled TRANSPARENT AS WATER, the event, which took place in the exclusive rooftop of the Pirelli Tower, was an amazing opportunity to start a fascinating discussion on the topic of sustainable innovation and explore its sociological and cultural implications, which will hopefully lead to a virtuous discontinuous innovation process. Opened by the speech of Mr. Paolo Milini, Vice President of MS Printing Solutions, the event was hosted by Andrea Cabrini, Class Cnbc and Class TV Managing Editor. The round table was enlivened by the opinions of illustrious guests, Mr. Francesco Morace, sociologist and essayist that for more than thirty years has worked in social and market research, Mr. Piero Formica, economist, professor and founder of the International Entrepreneurship Academy and Mr. Giuseppe Miroglio, President of Miroglio Group.
Having adhered to the TEXTILE 3.0™ programme manifesto, MS Printing Solutions has raised the stakes by implementing the new 100/90/10 industrial paradigm, which goes beyond a mere technological challenge, under the sign of environmental sustainability which, by now, can be regarded as a structurally established factor.
100 litres of water used per every kg of fabric in traditional finishing processes. 90 percent of this can be saved through this new industrial paradigm. 10 litres of water to be returned to every human being through the introduction of 300 “dry printing” single-pass machines to replace the “wet printing” cylinders currently used.

It is an ambitious goal, since “talking about paradigms is not like talking about trends. It marks a deep discontinuity with the past, it means thinking out of the box. The choice of water as leitmotiv for this night is effective. Water is so fundamental for our lives that it led themes like transparency and sustainability out of those anti-capitalist values and turned them in central issues for the industry too” Mr. Morace affirmed.
A change of pace that will provide the new cultural basis for the Industrial Renaissance in textile finishing, based on creative concepts, which are very different from the traditionally competitive approach. After the shift from Textile 1.0 to Textile 2.0, that is to say from cylinders to digital single-pass printing, the time has come to launch TEXTILE 3.0™ on the market, following the path to 2020.
The textile industry has adopted the full digital single-pass standard, but that is not all. Another landmark is the restyling of the whole finishing process with the support of dry chemistry. This means that it is no longer necessary to use water as a carrier, even though the production standard remains very high, in support of creativity which will finally be able to live together with a sustainable industry model which is digitalized and close to the market.
The factory will be lean, clean, transparent and close to the customer. This short, streamlined, totally digitalized and efficient supply chain will allow for sustainable digital manufacturing, perfectly in line with the globalized fast fashion ethical model and top-of-the-range large retail standards.
Miroglio intervened as a witness of this change, “All the industry is moving forward. Thanks to the collaboration with the associations and the growing consciousness of the major brands and retailers, the industry is more and more convinced that transparency must be evident. As a result of their subscriptions to different kinds of protocols for the eco-sustainability, all the players of the sector and the whole industry record beneficial effects in terms of reputation”.
The challenge is no longer strictly technological, but most of all cultural. Formica expressed his opinion precisely on the topic of the cultural approach to discontinuous innovation. “When you get transparent and accept the challenge of thinking out of the box, you open yourself to a process of creative sharing that does not exclude competition, rather it means sharing values and experience within the binomial pattern of cooperation and competition”.
This break with the past is perfectly summed up by the TEXTILE 3.0™ vision, a research platform and manifesto designed by the Swiss Think Tank RProject International and immediately implemented by MS Printing Solutions, an outstanding Italian company on a global scale whose contribution to the industrialization of digital printing has been paramount, with a potential going beyond technology. This approach to innovation has led the American company Dover to investing in Italy and for the first time in the textile industry, an acquisition based on industrial values and long-term prospects.
TRANSPARENT AS WATER marks the start of a new industrial age, whose growth is based on creativity, sustainability and technology to reshape the current panorama into a new entrepreneurial horizon.
MS PRINTING SOLUTIONS takes on the challenge of green textile revolution.
MS Printing Solutions, founded by the Milini family, is an Italian legend worldwide, made of colour, technology and ambitious challenges which, operating in the printing and dyeing sector, takes on once again the challenge of industrial restyling, in line with the principle which has always been an underlying value for the company, breaking with the past.
With about 20 billion meters of fabrics printed in 2014, textile printing confirms its role as key element for the international fashion system, the real trademark of fashion, increasingly sought after by consumers. The 450 million metres currently printed using digital systems are growing exponentially, thanks to the clear creative benefits, to the flexibility and to the customization, which allows each brand to enhance its supply and positioning to an unprecedented extent. The figure will exceed two billion meters by 2020, confirming the trend and underscoring the key role by MS Printing Solutions that has set top-of-the-range innovation standards in digital printing.
MS Printing Solutions offers a wide range of complete solutions for the digital printing sector with cutting-edge industrial standards. This market is worth about half a billion Euro and MS, with its turnover of about 60 million euro, covers its most valuable part because for years already it has been investing in the single-pass project and thus on an industrial standard which is a natural alternative to traditional cylinder printing.
Lario single pass is a real break with the past, also from the viewpoint of the cultural approach to innovation. It is thus a challenge which Milini family has taken up in a very brave and far-sighted way. A leap forward by two centuries, after many incremental innovations, which have not substantially changed the traditional industrial matrix which is still water and chemical intensive.
The acquisition by the American corporation Dover has allowed the company to move on as provider of integrated solutions, complete and certifiable industrial modules, including the 100/90/10 Challenge from a horizon 2020 perspective, the Italian company features prominently in the creation of a new industrial paradigm, TEXTILE 3.0™.
It is the start of the Industrial Renaissance, which perfectly matches the needs of large-scale retailers and of the most discerning and creative brands, bringing the industry and the whole supply chain to excellent environmental sustainability levels.