Mr. M. Senthil Kumar, Chairman and Managing Director of Palladam Hi-tech Weaving Park, was elected Chairman of the Southern India Mills Association (SIMA) for 2015-16 at its 56th annual general meeting held on September 25. Mr. P. Nataraj, Managing Director, K.P.R. Mill Ltd., and Mr. K. Vinayakam, Managing Director of SCM Textile Spinners and of Chennai Silks, were elected Deputy Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.

Addressing the media on the occasion, Mr. Senthil Kumar advised textile mills across the value chain to focus on value addition and innovation, while also trying to benchmark themselves with the industries in developed countries such as Italy and Germany.

Earlier, the 8th CEO Conference – SIMA TEXOPIN 2015 – with the theme “Make in India- Challenges in Textiles” was held. The ‘Techno Facts Awards’ were distributed by Mr. Manikam Ramaswami, Chairman and Managing Director, Loyal Textile Mills Ltd., who was the chief guest on the occasion. The conference saw several distinguished speakers share their wisdom on a variety of topics such as ‘Cotton and Synthetic Fibres- Opportunities Ahead’, ‘External Factors- Impact of Foreign Trade Policy’, ‘Branding- Build Image & Succeed’, ‘Cost Effectiveness in Logistics’, ‘Challenges in Manufacturing Excellence’, and ‘Energy – Sources and its Competitiveness in Southern States’.