In line with its vision of adding value to lives, textile giant Trident Group is taking one step ahead by utilizing its manufacturing abilities for the greater good of the community. From producing personal protection equipment for the community to taking some bold decisions to support its employees, India’s leading manufacturer is standing strong during this global emergency.

With the help of skilled members, seeking guidance from the best in the industry and taking all necessary precautions, Trident Group has launched Disinfectant Masks, Medical Suits and Hygiene Kits to support various organizations to fight COVID-19.
“We are in this together. COVID-19 has changed everything about life and work in just a matter of a few weeks. In these challenging times, we are all navigating through uncertainty for ourselves, our loved ones and our community. Amidst the socio-economic disruptions caused by COVID-19, the human race is simultaneously also learning to adapt to the newly emerging systems and processes
I feel, this is nature’s way of pressing the reset button for us. Of course, we cannot overlook the huge drop in the economy, but finding silver lining in this dark cloud we can at least take this as an opportunity to restructure our communities, lifestyles and priorities. I want the community to know that the Trident Group is here for them. For me, the community is as much important as my employees and I shall extend my complete support to anyone in need”- Rajinder Gupta – Group Chairman
Mask Making
Optimizing its skill set and textiles manufacturing capacity, the Group is manufacturing 10,000 disinfectant masks every day. Produced in correspondence with the prescribed safety standards, till date, more than 90,000 masks have been distributed among rural population. Trident is targeting a wider population who are in need of masks to combat COVID-19. These masks are being handed over to local administrations, state governments, people living in nearby villages.
Through the Mask Making exercise, Trident Group is extending employment to hundreds of women of self-help groups under its Hastakala initiative. Proper precautions are being taken for each of the members associated in the production of these masks.
Safety Suits
Aware of the vitality of personal protection equipment for healthcare professionals working on the frontline in containing the deadly COVID-19, the Group is also developing Medical Suits. The team is continuously working with specialized yarn and is in the final stage of manufacturing sanitized, antimicrobial, comfortable and reusable Medical Suits.
A team of highly skilled members collaborated with the finest finish suppliers and has worked out the most suitable and effective sanitization finish. With all the plans falling into the right place, Trident Group is now prepared to produce 10,000 pieces of these medical suits per day.
Hygiene Kits
To contain the spread of the virus and flatten the curve, the crucial step is to maintain the required hygiene standards. The Group is distributing comprehensive hygiene kits of essentials, including soaps, sanitizers, vegetable cleaner and hand towels to people residing in rural areas. These kits have been prepared by Trident volunteers and are distributed through proper channels. The Group is also reaching out to local administrations, state governments and NGOs along with these kits and are extending complete support to them.
Launching anti-virus product
Taking one step ahead in its commitment towards creating products that cater to the inner and outer well-being of its customers, Trident Group is launching an exclusive ‘Anti-Virus’ range of home linen. Bringing a breakthrough in innovation, it has partnered with the world’s finest technology partners to create towels and bedsheets that reduce risk and speed of contamination and transmission.
This treated bed and bath linen will enhance the resistance to lipid-enveloped viruses, such as corona virus by capturing and depleting the membrane content, providing rapid deactivation and inhibiting further transmission. With proven results, textiles created with this advanced technology will be beneficial for the whole of mankind- those using it and those coming in close contact with. The range will be available in the market soon.
Multi-Speciality Hospital
With a vision to extend its philanthropic ventures.
Under the umbrella of its Corporate Social Responsibility, Trident Group has established a Multi-Speciality Hospital in Budhni for the welfare of general public as well as the company’s employees and their family members. The hospital shall provide up-to-the-minute medical facilities and services to the residents of many nearby villages. Boasting investment worth 20+ crores, the multi-specialty hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art ICU/NICUs, modular operation theatres, latest pathology lab, radiology lab, paperless patient management system and hosts bedding arrangement for 30 patients. The facility will be having qualified doctors in the fields of general medicine, orthopedist, laparoscopy, general surgery, urology, ophthalmology, OB-GYN, pediatrics with NICU, general medicine and super-specialists in cardiology, nephrology, dental and ENT.
Self-Sustaining Eco-Systems
The Group boasts of its self-sustaining eco-systems across its facilities in Punjab and Madhya Pradesh. From in-house plantation and vegetation, energy generation to provision of medical/food/general commodities, every essential service is available for Trident members and their families within the Group’s own housing societies.
Adhering to its vision of saving nature at every step, with Zero Liquid Discharge system, the Group recovers wastewater and reuses it back in the process house and thereby saving about 1500 million of litres fresh water every year. Over 6,30,403 different species are planted aiming to reduce green house gases and to maintain the healthy environment.
Caring for employees
Trident Group has taken profound initiatives in extending its support to the employees in different areas of function, from within the company boundaries and also for their well-being. The implementation of lockdown led to collaborative measures and initiatives to be taken by the HR and administration for future personal and professional safety and security of Trident’s workforce. Trident released salaries 14 days in advance with no deduction in the pay/wages of workers so that the members are financially sufficient to meet their needs during their quarantine.
Employees providing essential/support services at ground zero to help others are also acknowledged and rewarded with additional salary as a token of appreciation for their service. Employees away from home and housed at factories are provided with essential life needs and medical support with dedicated teams.
To ensure a smooth and efficient workflow, Team Trident has also enforced ’work from home’ practice with appropriate technological assistance, Live and interactive Meditation platform for the wellness of its members, and online tools for cross-functional learning through Skype and Jabber.