Management Team

Mr. R.P. Soni, Chairman
Mr. S.N. Modani, CEO & Managing Director
Journey Began
Established in 1985.
Product Portfolio
It has presence in spinning to weaving and processing, and now garmenting.
Iconic Brands
Sangam Suitings (synthetic blended fabric) and Sangam Denim.
Manufacturing Facilities
The company’s manufacturing facilities are located in Bhilwara, Rajasthan.
Production Capacity
As of FY 2015-16, the company has a spinning capacity of 225,168 spindles and 3,128 rotors, weaving capacity of 483 looms, and processing capacity of 54 mn meters. It has commissioned the seamless garment facility of 3.6 mn pieces/annum, and launched a range of products under its “C9” brand.
Yarn: At Biliya Kalan plant – 96864 spindles and 3 Texturising Machines, at Sareri plant- 115008 spindles, 3128 open end Rotors and 22 knitting Machines and Soniyana unit – 13296 spindles.
Fabric: PV fabrics: 24 mn meters p.a., Processed fabrics: 53 mn meters p.a.
Denim Fabric: Capacity: 40 mn meters p.a.
Domestic Clientele
The company‘s client base includes Raymond, RSWM, Banswara Syntex, Donear, Siyaram and Grasim.
Global Presence
Sangam exports to Turkey, Portugal, Egypt, China, Poland, Brazil, Belgium, Chile, Italy, Australia, Japan, USA UAE to name a few.
Expansion Plans
One of the biggest initiatives of Sangam in 2015-16 was to improve visibility of its online venture – C9 Fashion. C9 is still at the very nascent stage and will shape into a well-respected women active wear destination.
The company is investing Rs.198 crore in the capacity expansion for installation of 26,736 spindles at a new site Soniyana, Chittorgarh, 74 weaving machines at the existing site in Atun, Bhilwara and One indigo Denim Fabric Processing Line at the existing site in Biliya Kalan, Bhilwara. As on March 31, 2016, Sangam completed installation of 13,296 spindles, 46 Nos. Weaving Machines and One Indigo Denim Fabric Processing Line. The remaining installations under the expansion initiative would be completed by end of 2016.
The company plans to leverage its distribution network to market products. It plans to open over 1,000 multi brand outlets (MBOs) along with 10-15 exclusive brand outlets (EBOs) by the end of FY17 and has ?oated a 100% subsidiary for the same – Sangam Lifestyle Ventures Ltd – in June 2016. It simultaneously opened its ?rst EBO in Mumbai. Sangam will also sell its C9 range through other branded players. In addition, it is partnering with online players like Flipkart, Amazon, EBay, Snapdeal, PayTm, Fashionara, Belletouch and others.
Financial Performance
Sangam registered net revenue of Rs. 1504.40 crore in 2015-16.